


Liquidity For Passive Investors.

TheListingHub is the first-ever listing portal where investors can buy/sell passive, fractional and partial shares in real estate syndications in multifamily apartment buildings, self-storage facilities or other commercial asset types.


Real estate is an illiquid investment and selling syndication interests has not been an easy process… until now. The Listing Hub™ allows investors to sell their syndication interests when they need cash or simply want out of a real estate syndication investment.

Don’t you deserve the best for your hard-earned cash?

Is it difficult for you to get market intelligence on sponsors before you invest? Do you want to know which sponsors are consistently meeting expectations and yielding high returns? Do you wish you could instantly sell your fractional interests to other investors with the approval of your sponsor?

Sleep better at night knowing we are committed to providing transparency and liquidity.

Make intelligent decisions with your money.

You’re not alone and we’re here to help.

Liquidity now

Begin our process to sell your fractional interest for fast liquidity.


Share your experience with your investments. Get advice from others who are also in the market.

Market Intelligence

Make more informed investment decisions based on market intelligence. Know which sponsors, asset classes, and geographies are consistently meeting or exceeding expectations.

Our Exclusive Community

Join our national community of passive real estate investors and syndicators to bring transparency to the industry, discuss current market trends, access real-time market intelligence before making investment decisions, and much more.

a new industry standard…


Exclusive Benefits For Our Approved Sponsors:



Why join our community?

sell fractional (passive) real estate interest now

Liquidate your passive, fractional interest in a commercial real estate asset via our Listing Hub™.

real-time market intellIgence

Make more informed investment decisions based on market intelligence. Know which sponsors, asset classes, and geographies are consistently outperforming the competition.

not satisfied with how your current real estate investment is managed?

Share your experience, get advice from other investors, and understand your options.

Join our community

Your voice can help change the real estate industry by helping sponsors make better, investor-centric decisions.

For Real Estate Syndicators

Why join our community as a sponsor?

Our community is just as valuable for investors as it is for sponsors.

offer liquidity for your passive investors

Create more value for your investors by providing liquidity options for their fractional shares and the option to “sell now” to other investors should they ever need to liquidate for any unforeseen reason.


Show accredited investors how great you are as a sponsor based on past performance, provide insights on the current market conditions, and discuss what direction you’re headed.


a new industry standard is needed in real estate syndications

Neal Bawa CEO Grocapitus

"PREIshare will bring much needed transparency and performance benchmarking to the historically fragmented passive real estate investment space. "

Michael D. Howard, CCIM President/CEO
AKA Partners

"I’ve been a real estate sponsor and worked in the investment business for over 30 years, and I feel there has always been a need for these services and connections. I look forward to the PREIshare launch."

Blaine Walker Principal-Owner
Utah Real Estate Development

"I have been in the real estate business for 47 years, as a broker, developer, consultant, and investor. I have been a JV partner/sponsor and at times, a passive investor. I have always felt there was a need for the services PREIshare will be offering. I’m particularly interested in the liquidity they will be offering my investors and passive investments I may wish to sell."

Arthur Bavelas CEO Family Office Insights

"As a LP real estate investor and co-investor with extraordinary real estate family office investors, I’ve yet to see a real estate fund that provides such favorable liquidity and structure that is sufficiently credible to achieve its rewarding performance objectives as the PREIshare Fund."

Emma Powell Owner Highrise Group

"I think the liquidity is the biggest game changer!"

John Briggs CPA Incite Tax

“I love the year opening up the world of Syndication to people who don’t necessarily have money to invest in the fall do you like the fraction is amazing because you’re going to get a lot of people who are able to benefit from this, so I love that approach. I think it’s deafly need it and like this is been a great experience create team really comfortable conversation I really I really was going on here, and I was happy to participate and share what I could help.”

Dr. Alan Barnard

“An amazing show! It was amazing to hear about the challenges of the real estate investors and to see how many of those challenges are challenges that we experience in other industries, and that the same principles that we used to come up with breakthrough solutions, can also be applied.”

Trusted Partners

We build partnerships based on trust, shared values and the common goal of providing a liquidity solution for Passive Real Estate Investors that has never been done in the industry.

PREIshare Real Estate



Ready to sell your fractional (passive) real estate interest in a syndication such as a multifamily apartment, self storage facility or other commercial asset type?


List your syndication interest on The Listing Hub™.