

Sponsor Application

To become a PREIshare-approved Sponsor, complete the application below.
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Sponsor Information - Step 1 of 2

Current Sponsor Information

Please also include previous company names
Physical Address
Is there a succession plan for key principal?
Is there a dedicated investor relations team?

Principal Information

This information will be used to run background checks on all Sponsor Principals. It is necessary to have this data to find the correct person's record and avoid confusion with other people with having similar names.

A Principal includes a General Partner or Managing Member of the Sponsorship entity that has cash equity invested and at risk in the ownership of a property and has an active role in the execution of the business plan. In many cases, the Principal will sign on the debt and take on recourse. Experience is the number of years a Principal has spent executing investments in a Principal capacity.

Principal Experience

Provide metrics on the entire historical Principal investing experience for all Principals as well as the current portfolio of all Principals. This should match the information provided on the Track Record/Real Estate Schedule.

Number of Properties (excluding single family residences)
Total Capitalized Value of Portfolio Owned

Principal Education and Designations